The root to the road to health
Ginger is a rhizome, the juicy root is great for sweet or savoury dishes, dried and ground it’s much fiercer it can be and is used for drinks, making ginger biscuits and gingerbread.
Chinese Medicine has recommended ginger almost as an art form, for over two thousand years for the treatment of vomiting, diarrhoea, and rheumatism; it’s used a lot in Ayurvedic and Tibetan systems of medicine, The Hindu epic Mahabharata written around the 4th century BC describes a meal where meat is stewed with ginger and other spices.
Chinese Medicine has recommended ginger almost as an art form, for over two thousand years for the treatment of vomiting, diarrhoea, and rheumatism; it’s used a lot in Ayurvedic and Tibetan systems of medicine, The Hindu epic Mahabharata written around the 4th century BC describes a meal where meat is stewed with ginger and other spices.
Seasick? ginger can sort that out.
Ginger is well known as a treatment for appetite loss, indigestion and studies are nearing completion in its uses for motion sickness
The American Phytotherapy Research Laboratory in Salt Lake City conducted a classic study on motion sickness and found that Ginger was instrumental in helping to combat motion sickness.
Ginger contains.
The American Phytotherapy Research Laboratory in Salt Lake City conducted a classic study on motion sickness and found that Ginger was instrumental in helping to combat motion sickness.
Ginger contains.
- Calcium (Good for your bones)
- Carbohydrate (There are good and bad Carbs, ginger contains only good carbs or Complex carbs. Complex carbs are the ones that give your body the best fuel. They are usually found in foods high in fiber, which break down more slowly, giving you a steady blood sugar level through the day and making you feel less hungry and irritable when mid-afternoon rolls around.)
- Dietary Fibre (treats or prevents constipation, hemorrhoids, and diverticulosis. helps decrease blood cholesterol levels
- Iron (Your blood loves Iron)
- Magnesium ( protects against heart disease and heart attacks, high blood pressure and stroke, type II diabetes, shall I go on?)
- Manganese (Not to be confused with Magnesium, Manganese boosts your sex hormones, it does a lot more as well but who cares)
- Potassium (muscles and nerves) (growth and repair)
- Selenium ( it's an antioxidant, helps the immune system and thyroid hormone metabolism,AND fertility in men, in other words," it puts lead in your pencil")
- Sodium (electrical nerve impulses and transport nutrients to cells.NOTE Not the same as salt, salt is only 40 percent sodium the other 60 percent of salt is chloride, )
- Vitamin C, E and B6 (All vitamins are good for you)
Ginger in the morning, ginger in the evening, ginger at supper time,
Take a 1/3 teaspoon of fresh of powdered ginger when you feel a migraine coming on, can help stop pain before it starts
Ginger can be used as a spice, fresh or dried and ground to a powder, it's brilliant in stir fries and a whole host of other receipts.
Why not try making your own Ginger and butternut ice-cream? All you need is some double cream chopped, fresh ginger, egg yolks, caster sugar, some cooked butternut squash, and some lemon juice.
It's great in salads and no English gent would be seen dead without his jar of ginger marmalade for his toast in the morning.
Ginger can be used as a spice, fresh or dried and ground to a powder, it's brilliant in stir fries and a whole host of other receipts.
Why not try making your own Ginger and butternut ice-cream? All you need is some double cream chopped, fresh ginger, egg yolks, caster sugar, some cooked butternut squash, and some lemon juice.
It's great in salads and no English gent would be seen dead without his jar of ginger marmalade for his toast in the morning.
Ginger and Sheep?
Ginger comes from the same family as cardamom and turmeric, its history goes back over 5000 years, its origins are thought to be Indian and or Chinese, Sailors would carry it as potted plants rapidly spreading into many other countries, it was used extensively by the Romans, but seemed to have died out when the Roman empire did the same.
Ginger along with black pepper was one on the most common spices during the 13th and 14th centuries, in England ginger was very sought after and became so expensive that a pound of ginger cost about the same as sheep.
Ginger along with black pepper was one on the most common spices during the 13th and 14th centuries, in England ginger was very sought after and became so expensive that a pound of ginger cost about the same as sheep.
Pregnant? Ginger can help smooth the way
Tea made with Ginger and Lemon is refreshing, good for colds and sore throats help digestion, used as an aid for blood circulation.
And for the pregnant lady suffering from nausea and vomiting, Ginger is a safe remedy
drinking a cup of homemade ginger tea with a little-added lemon will be a godsend.
And for the pregnant lady suffering from nausea and vomiting, Ginger is a safe remedy
drinking a cup of homemade ginger tea with a little-added lemon will be a godsend.
Ginger around the world
- In Burma], ginger is used to prevent the flu.
- In China, ginger is used for the common cold.
- In Congo, ginger is crushed and mixed with mango tree sap to make tangawisi juice, which is considered a panacea.
- In India, ginger is used to relieve a headache,the common cold.and for treating nausea.
- In Indonesia, ginger ("jahe" in Indonesian) is used to reduce fatigue, reducing "winds" in the blood, prevent and cure rheumatism and control poor dietary habits.
- In the Philippines, it is considered good for a sore throat.
- In the United States, ginger is used to prevent motion and morning sickness.
- In Peru, ginger is sliced in hot water as an infusion for stomach aches as "infusión de Kión"
So you see Ginger is a "Must have" food for good health
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